Welcome on PowerPointMadeEasy

On this site you will find a tutorial and a learning guide to PowerPoint 2010 and 2013. It is intended for beginners and more experienced of you. It includes an introduction, explanation of all menus, functions available and the tricks of the professionals. At the end you will be perfectly able to do yourselves stunning presentations.

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This part is for people who do not know PowerPoint and would like to go step by step through each menu and receive detailed explanations. PowerPoint is a component of the Microsoft Office suite also understand that Word, the famous word processor, Excel spreadsheet and Outlook mail system and agenda. It is used by millions of people worldwide.

Powerpoint allows you to create high quality presentations that can be printed, projected on the screen, or shared online.

A Beautiful Example as foretaste. We will go through the basic steps to create a first presentation. We will create a quick presentation in minutes. This will help you feel better what can PowerPoint.

Style and Content (la forme et le fond) : in a few words, very important tips that will help you get started and make a quality presentation.

Tips and Tricks of the Professionals are often very simple but allow you to save time, to hook your audience and you avoid mistakes that can be embarrassing.


Tips and Tricks, FAQ

The Tips and Tricks Pages make you discover some important concepts we pretend and especially that will simplify life

How to mess a presentation

Simplify your life with shortcuts

A presentation in 5 minutes

Personnalize the Ribbon

The Prezi way in Powerpoint. Watch this interesting video.


The Rubans (formerly menus)

Ribbons or formerly menus are detailed one after the other here under.

Home Ribbon: includes all editing functions, formatting text, paragraphs, and slides.

Insert Ribbon: allows adding objects in the presentation. Whether encrypted tables, video, etc. ..

Design Ribbon: makes it easy to change the design and overall appearance of the presentation.

Transitions Ribbon: Change how the slides are transitioning from one to the other.

Animations Ribbon: allows the animation of all objects and shape and texts in the presentation.

Slide show Ribbon: allows you to manage all points on the slideshow.

Review Ribbon: correction, revision and comment on the presentation are manager here

View Ribbon: allows you to switch between various display mode.

Format Ribbons: they appear only when an object is selected and they are used to manage the various parameters of this object. In the case of the example here, it is the Format Ribbon for a text area. The Format Ribbon will be different if an image, drawing, text is selected.


Create (english)

In this section you will learn how to add to your presentation all the elements that go into making a great presentation.

Areas of text can be inserted anywhere on your document. They can be combined
withwith images, charts, etc ...

Simple Shapes can be inserted on any area of the slide. You can add text, change the outline, the form of it.

Tables of numbers  or other data provide cohesion and clarity to your presentation. We'll talk in detail tables and how they are useful to visually present information in a structured way.

Graphs or charts: a picture is worth 1000 words, a graph may be 500... How to insert a chart, which among all available to choose,

All about images: how to insert, edit, format, add their borders, truncate, enlarge and reduce ...

ClipArt (free images) are simple images that are used to fill a presentation. They will be explained and also where to find them.

SmartArt: SmartArt that are new from Office 2010. Smart table and graph that will be explained in detail.

WordArt: WordArt or the secrets of how to create text that impresses your audience will be revealed.

Animations: how to animate a text, an image will be discussed in the entertainment section.

Transitions: th: the transition between slides (slide in English) and are use. Animations and transitions to use moderation and will be explained why.

Superb Backgrounds: master views will be discussed in detail. They allow you to create your own look / design to your presentation and above all to make your slides visually well done in their design.



Be effective: a few basics are essential.

Navigation: how to move from one slide to another can be done in multiple ways. 

Selecting objects  is something easy at first sight but a few things let you avoid pulling your hair.

Selecting Text seems, as for objects, easy but also here we will talk about ways to do optimally.

Correct your mistakes: it is very important to correct your spelling errors as well as the grammatical errors.

Find Text: easily find a word, a phrase that you wrote in your presentation but cannot remember where it was.

Replace texte: replace a word with another word, a phrase by another phrase. This very easily.


Present, the stage is yours.

Lets the show begin: time to go before the public has arrived. Are you prepared, have you thought of everything?

Accessories or gadgets: some examples of tools that can facilitate your presentation.

Projector or screen: Powerpoint allows you to tailor your presentation to the projection screen. Also explain here how to make scrolling presentation.

Presentation Notes: explains how to take notes to help you present and also how to display during the presentation.

Presenting Well: some tips to make good impression.

Printing your presentation can be done in different ways. One sheet per slide or multiple slides on one sheet. You can save the forest and save your wallet.


Links (english)

Links: Some very interesting links.