Introduction à PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a component of the Microsoft Office suite which supports Word, the famous word processor, Excel spreadsheets and Outlook the mail system and agenda.

Powerpoint allows you to create high quality presentations that can be printed, projected on the screen or shared online and on the net

Powerpoint files are recognized by their characteristic icons or extension ppt, pptx, pps, pot, pptm, etc ...

powerpoint icon

PowerPoint is used worldwide in universities, schools, companies, organizations, and of course in the private sector.

This site is dedicated to explain the basics and some important details of PowerPoint so that you become a master in PowerPoint.


Some vocabulary:

A slide is the sheet on which you draw, write, ...

Ribbons are menus. But they are not called Menu anymore because they are visual, made ​​of images, rather than text.

More words to come....