Insert WORDART (Artistic Text)

Word Art allows you to create text or part of text that are artistic and emerge from the text.

To insert a WordArt, many methods exist. Here the most used ones:

  1. Click the INSERT RIBBON  in the Text section WordArt (located on the right)


    1. The following window will open.

      This window allows you to choose the type of graphic style you want for your text.

      It is best to visually browse and pick the one you like. Some will not be suitable, others will be perfect.

    2. Once selected, an example of texte will open in the middle of the screen. Like here:

      Then type the text you want in the area. CAUTION: Do not type too many lines of text because it will not be visually beautiful. WordArt is designed to illuminate your text.

      Here some examples:


    3. To modify the type of SMARTART, you can use the WORDART TOOL Ribbon called FORMAT.

  2. Another way is to simply select any text you have on your slide. In a Table, a Chart, a text Box. Then select WORDART Style in the Format area.

  3. Here an example of a Table. Do not try to reproduce it, it will look weird in your presentation....
