Tips and Tricks, FAQ

Tips and Tricks 1

To move in the table without using the mouse: Use the TAB button to move from one cell to another. To go back SHIFT-TAB.

TAB button also allows you to add a line/row at the end of the table. Simply go to the last cell, press TAB and a new line is created.

To add a column, use the Layout ribbon in the Table Tools Ribbons (top right of the screen), and press insert right ot left to insert a column.


Tips and Tricks 2

To quickly edit text, select the text 1) with a double click or 2) by holding the left mouse button pressed and drag the mouse to select area.

When you release the button the text editing menu will appear and allow you to make a quick change.

Tips and Tricks 3

Save as often as possible. CTRL-S. It will avoid that you lose your document for any stupid reason like a power shutdown or a crash of the application.